Experiencing Problems In Your Phone after installing a Particular Software..??
Have a Look at these Conflicts list then
S605 Edition software conflict list (Nokia N97/5800XM/5230/5530XM / 5800I, etc.) S605 Edition software conflict list (Nokia N97/5800XM/5230/5530XM/5800I, etc.)
1. SMARTANSWER installed automatic answering machine, telephone wizard or SPYCALL other similar software, usually running in the background button will cause failure. 1. SMARTANSWER installed automatic answering machine, telephone wizard or SPYCALL other similar software, usually running in the background button will cause failure.
2. Install network standard management experts, and frequent replacement of standard network LOGO, is likely to result in cell phones somehow automatically reboot the machine, slow the game in the JAR Huaping, mobile phone short period of time no signal, but also led directly to MIMO, QQ, Qreader, 100 reading and UCWEB run crash. 2. Install network standard management experts, and frequent replacement of standard network LOGO, is likely to result in cell phones somehow automatically reboot the machine, slow the game in the JAR Huaping, mobile phone short period of time no signal, but also led directly to MIMO, QQ, Qreader, 100 reading and UCWEB run crash. recommended to uninstall network standard management experts. Uninstall network management experts recommended standard.
3. Network Standard Manager (from start) are in conflict with the Qreader; phenomenon: the housekeeper with a network of standard cases, open QReader crash. 3. Network Standard Manager (from start) are in conflict with the Qreader; phenomenon: the housekeeper with a network of standard cases, open QReader crash.
4. Installed pvplayes full-screen playback and xx file will result in MMS can not broadcast into the video. 4. Installed pvplayes xx file full screen playback, and will lead to MMS can not broadcast into the video. Recommended to uninstall one. Recommended to uninstall one.
5. Sorrows lock and AUTOLOCK, automatically locks in the background, the background to run the software must not be more than three, or mobile phone management program will be chaotic, long run in the background to open more than 3 + AUTOLOCK, will destroy the phone's management procedures, to the management program can not access the time, only brush machine, and formatted it is. 5. Sorrows lock and AUTOLOCK, automatically locks in the background, the background to run the software must not be more than three, or mobile phone management program will be chaotic, long run in the background to open more than 3 + AUTOLOCK, will destroy the phone's management procedures, to the management program can not access the time, only brush machine, and formatted it is.
6. Text editor Dedit access to conflict with the 100, resulting in 100 read read TXT will automatically flip back to the next page. 6. Text editor Dedit access to conflict with the 100, resulting in 100 read read TXT will automatically flip back to the next page. The solution: uninstall text editor Dedit or 100 access. Solution: Uninstall text editor Dedit or 100 access.
7.X-Plore conflict with ZTA4 input. 7.X-Plore conflict with ZTA4 input. The solution: uninstall one or close A4. The solution: uninstall one or close A4. Update: X_plore1.20XX finished and do not conflict A4 version. Updated: X_plore1.20XX finished and do not conflict A4 version.
8. Desktop SMS Ticker conflict with ZTA4 input. 8. Desktop Ticker and ZTA4 text input method conflict. The solution: uninstall one or close A4. The solution: uninstall one or close A4.
9. Flush input method software and ZTA4 conflict. 9. Flush input method software and ZTA4 conflict. Into a straight flush and click "Options" button, the software automatically flush out, turn off the A4 no such problems. Into the flush and click "Options" button, the software automatically flush out, close the A4 no such problems.
10.A4v1.1.79 conflict with PowerBootv1.00 phenomenon: When turned on, the standby screen, start the two self-starting software, will continue to reboot. 10.A4v1.1.79 conflict with PowerBootv1.00 phenomenon: When turned on, the standby screen, start the two self-starting software, will continue to reboot. Solution: Delete the PowerBootv1.00, the'll be all right. Solution: Delete the PowerBootv1.00, the'll be all right.
11. Super MMS conflict with the A4 input method, the solution, when put in with the Super MMS A4 input method switches to the system can bring their own input method. 11. Super MMS conflict with the A4 input method, the solution, when put in with the Super MMS A4 input method switches to the system can bring their own input method.
12.A4 and SmartMovie (3.40 version of the English original) there is a conflict. 12.A4 and SmartMovie (3.40 version of the English original) there is a conflict. Phenomena: Open sm no problem, but a little play on the prompt: Program is closed SmartMovie, then black and white reboot, shut down all right after the input. Phenomena: Open sm no problem, but a little play on the prompt: Program is closed SmartMovie, then black and white reboot, shut down all right after the input. Treatment: 3.40 uninstall, reinstall pull a 341 on ok! Treatment: uninstall 3.40, 3.41 reloading a pull on ok! Delay adjusted to 0.70sec Adjusted for the 0.70sec delay
13.KeyMap (key big diversion) and the A4 input method in conflict. 13.KeyMap (key big diversion) and the A4 input method in conflict. Phenomenon: in the open KeyMap, use the A4 input buttons will appear when the failure or re-enter. Phenomenon: in the open KeyMap, use the A4 input buttons will appear when the failure or re-enter. KeyMap software standby current desktop, write SMS, MMS, e-mail, QQ, msn, pica, mimo, intelligent cinema screen automatically key mapping. KeyMap software standby current desktop, write SMS, MMS, e-mail, QQ, msn, pica, mimo, intelligent cinema screen button mapping automatically.
14. New 90M A4 input method dictionary and sound conflict. 14. New 90M A4 input method dictionary and sound conflict. (Conflict detection and ucweb also) phenomenon: a word in the query and returned to check the next word, enter the state into a number, have to press "#" key to switch back back. (There are conflict detection and ucweb) phenomenon: a word in the query return to check the next word, enter the state into a number, have to press "#" key to switch back again.
15. Point information in conflict with a straight flush. 15. Point information in conflict with a straight flush. Phenomenon: in the flush with the mobile version of the time by the left (option) regardless of which interface with the flush of the result of exit. Phenomenon: in the flush with the mobile version of the time by the left (option) regardless of which interface with the flush of the result of exit. Solution: Remove one of them. Solution: Delete one of them.
16. Intelligent cinema in conflict with the digital cinema, smart alarm clock and phone card holder key conflict; phenomenon: smart alarm will sound recording key is invalid, must seize the keyboard will fail ... 16. Intelligent cinema in conflict with the digital cinema, smart alarm clock and phone card holder key conflict; phenomenon: smart alarm will sound recording key is invalid keyboard failure will be missed ...
17. A good helper and Vampent conflict simulator, simulator lead to a number key is invalid. 17. A good helper and Vampent conflict simulator, simulator lead to a number key is invalid.
18. A good helper to set the password Do not have the password and other functions with the same password, or easy to handle hand not open. 18. A good helper to set the password Do not have the password and other functions with the same password, or easy to handle hand not open.
19. Handset restart the software restart may cause burning of motherboard components. 19. Handset software restart restart may cause burning of motherboard components.
20. Some models of the QQ games hall and file a conflict dynamic ActiveFile. 20. Some models of the QQ games hall and file power ActiveFile conflict. Phenomenon: will cause the system to crash. Phenomenon: will cause the system to crash. Recommended to uninstall first. Recommended to uninstall first.
21. Missed (auto lock) in conflict with other software, will lead to crashes. 21. Missed (auto lock) in conflict with other software, will lead to crashes. Current conflict has found its phone book that ActiveFile_v1.22, emoticons installed phone automatically lock when closed. The current conflict has found its phone book that ActiveFile_v1.22, when installed emoticons phone automatically lock shut.
22. Missed the game with the N-GAGE conflict. 22. Missed the game with the N-GAGE conflict. Phenomenon: the installation must seize this opportunity to play the game when leading after the failure of shortcut keys. Phenomenon: after the installation of missed playing time led to failure of the shortcut keys. Solution: Remove one of them. Solution: Delete one of them.
23. Must seize this opportunity and r oute66 (navigation software) a conflict. 23. Must seize this opportunity and r oute66 (navigation software), conflicting. Phenomenon: the installation can not be missed r6 6 after the start, after the removal of the missed reinstall r6 6 can run the Phenomenon: the installation must seize this opportunity can not start after the r6 6, removal of the missed reinstall r6 6 can be run after
24. Missed (auto lock) with the file power (ActiveFile) conflict; phenomenon: auto lock will automatically expire. 24. Missed (auto lock) with file power (ActiveFile) conflict; phenomenon: will automatically lock automatically lapse. (The current conflict in the documents found in this dynamic version 1.22) (Currently found in the file of this conflict dynamic version 1.22)
25. Call Manager (2.65) in conflict with the SMS Manager. 25. Call Manager (2.65) in conflict with the SMS Manager. Treatment: You can try ACM2.62 version can be installed. Treatment: You can try ACM2.62 version can be installed.
26.'s Cyclone, and calls through the call reminder in the conflict, resulting in a very short time you can only record music whirlwind recording. 26. 'S Cyclone, and calls through the call reminder in the conflict, resulting in a very short time you can only record music whirlwind recording. The solution: Close calls through the call reminder feature. Solution: Close calls through the call reminder feature.h. 27. A good helper and QREADER1.97, if QREADER1.97 open reading very long time (no external action), and a good helper to set the automatic lock, over a period of time (greater than 5MIN), crash.
28.NG color patches can cause the game to use the unusual opera, ng game in BIGINT.DLL new libs patch can cause opera can not be opened, as long as the safety of the color patch is displayed when running opera "opera program is closed." 28.NG color patches can cause the game to use the unusual opera, ng game in BIGINT.DLL new libs patch can cause opera can not be opened, as long as the safety of the color patch is displayed when running opera "opera program is closed. "can be renamed, do not restart your phone. Can be renamed, do not restart your phone.))
29. Recording software LivePVR and intelligent cinema smartmoviez conflict on the E50 and other phones not tested. 29. Recording software LivePVR and intelligent cinema smartmoviez there are conflicts in the E50 and other phones not tested.
30. Recorders LivePVR; phenomenon: when the phone calls caused restart 30. Recorders LivePVR; phenomenon: when the phone calls caused by restart
31. After installation Remindmev3.2, email can not be automatically extracted. 31. After installation Remindmev3.2, email can not be automatically extracted.
32. Call induction in conflict with the missed, leading to sometimes slide can not unlock. 32. Call induction in conflict with the missed, resulting in sometimes can not unlock the slide.
33. Elegant black font find and 100 direct-loading access. 33. Elegant black font find and 100 direct-loading access. Phenomenon: the conflict will lead to boot. Phenomenon: the conflict will lead to boot.
34. Sliding hook in PythonForS60_1_4_0 plug and all plug-ins using PythonForS60_1_4_1 software conflicts. 34. Sliding hook in PythonForS60_1_4_0 plug and all plug-ins using PythonForS60_1_4_1 software conflicts.
35.QQ game hall with the paper power (ActiveFile) in conflict. 35.QQ game hall with the paper power (ActiveFile) conflict. Phenomenon: will cause the system to crash. Phenomenon: will cause the system to crash. Recommended to uninstall QQ games hall. QQ games hall recommended to uninstall.
36. Call Recording 2.11 version (the ultimate recording) and call cheater interface use conflicts. 36. Call Recording 2.11 version (the ultimate recording) and call cheater interface use conflicts.
37. Fonts installed on E drive will cause data cable transfer mode can not be used. 37. Fonts installed on the E drive will cause data cable transfer mode can not be used.
38. Founder quasi-circle (direct loading, and installed in the C drive) and mimo conflict; phenomenon: mimo when they hang out. 38. Founder quasi-circle (direct loading, and installed in the C drive) and mimo conflict; phenomenon: mimo when they hang out.
39. Super alarm clock and the general version of the multi-key conflict of coal. 39. Super alarm clock and the general version of the multi-key conflict of coal. Phenomenon is caused by bond failure at times more than coal can sometimes not work. Phenomenon is caused by bond failure at times more than coal can sometimes not work.
40. Free, then cool and interactive master conflict, caused by the plug-in. 40. Free, then cool and interactive master conflict, caused by the plug-in.
These valuable experiences are repeated by the number of Friends of the Friends of the painful lessons from the hope in order to alert novice, of course, the above only as a reference, if the conflicts listed above, your phone and does not appear, please leave a message correct that, I hope we all keep re-learning the lessons it! These valuable experiences are repeated by the number of Friends of the Friends of the painful lessons from the hope in order to alert novice, of course, the above only as a reference, if the conflicts listed above, your phone and does not appear, please leave a message correct that, I hope we all keep re-learning the lessons it!
41. Hua Hong girls body and V40 comes with the handwriting input method, full-screen handwriting, mini QWERT conflict! 41. Wah Hong girls body and V40 comes with the handwriting input method, full-screen handwriting, mini QWERT conflict! Like a few other fonts have There seems a few other fonts
January 23, 2010 Updated: January 23, 2010 update:
1, Panda read if you use a custom wallpaper as a background, then black and white easy to automatically restart. 1, Panda read if you use custom wallpaper as a background, then, easy black and white automatically restart.
2, using a very hot topic a while before the patch effects can lead to crashes frequently, and often can not open the "Installed Programs" to uninstall feature. 2, using a very hot topic a while before the patch effects can lead to crashes frequently, and often can not open the "Installed Programs" to uninstall feature.
Solution: I find their own way out, although the trouble but it works! Solution: I find their own way out, although the trouble but it works! Boot opening theme of this patch off after effect, but do not cancel automatically applied. Boot opening theme of this patch off after effect, but do not cancel automatically applied. So that you can solve the problem of conflict! This conflict can be solved it!! !
3. Sougou input method and the QQ conflict, Sogou chat with QQ chat for a while it will crash! 3. Sougou input method and the QQ conflict, Sogou chat with QQ chat for a while it will crash!! !
4. Use of fonts, select the font is best not to use 10M about it! 4. Use of fonts, select the font is best not to use 10M about it!! ! Will be a lot of writing blank question! There are a number will appear blank question!! !
Some fonts and UCWEB conflict, as follows: open certain web page when prompted to update the font for the landscaping has been stuck in the 0% result UCWEB can not use! Some fonts and UCWEB conflict, as follows: open certain web page when prompted to update the font for the landscaping has been stuck in the 0% result UCWEB can not use!
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